The Latest and Most Relevant Fishing Updates You Should Know

Fishing Report

Fall is officially here! And the always anticipated "Fall" run can start any day. All the pieces are in place, plenty of bait in the water, cooler daily air temperatures and favorable wind directions. Small blues and fluke are still present in the surf and remember September 27th marks the end of the fluke season for this year. IBSP is still the best bet for putting some fish on the table due to it's (2) fluke at 16" program this season. You still have a chance at a passing Albies so be on the ready, they may not be great eaters but boy can they put a bend in your rod!... John Yac

Fishing Report

Last weekend of summer and the weather will feel like it these next two days. Fishing along the surf remains good, plenty of small to medium sized blues and the fluke are still biting. We are hearing of more and more small bass being taken which is a good sign of things to come. Today is the last day of our fall spool up special so why not stop in and get your reels loaded for the fall and check out our in store sales in progress. We are caring live eels now along with fresh mullet, fresh clams and sand worm. Crabbing is a slow pic with fewer and fewer keepers finding there way to the traps daily... John Yac

Fishing Report

9 Days and counting! There is just 9 days left in the 2014 fluke season and these tasty beauties are still pleasing surf anglers in our area. Gulp remains the number one bait tipped on a buck tail jig or fished alone. The mullet are still in the surf with small to medium size blues hot on their trail. Small bass are starting to show up on small metals, swimmers, and clams. Yes the albies are still streaking by every now and then. Tomorrow Saturday the 20th will be our last day to take advantage of our fall spool up special with 30% off all mono and Power Pro lines in stock. We are still running a 20% off all Star rods and Mustad KVD pliers in stock. Remember live eels are back in, add them to your bag of tricks this fall... John Yac

Fishing Report

Fall is in the air and another great forecast for todays surf fishing. Small to medium size blues are keeping anglers busy while fluke are still on the feed. Albies continue to slash in and out daily, so have a rod with a thin metal at the ready so you can react at a moments notice. Mullet remains the bait of choice on the blues while gulp is still the number one way to tempt those fluke. Some short bass are starting to show now and then both on clams and small swimmers. Crabbing from our dock is still a matter of weeding through a lot of shorts but yesterday Matt and Carol caught 22 keepers during the day, you just have to work at it. We are now carrying live eels for the fall bass run... John Yac

Fishing Report

Another good surf fishing day! Plenty of bait in the water, with several species of fish on them. Small to medium size blues are shredding the mullet apart, fluke are feeding on large spearing and just about anything that swims by, add to that false albacore slashing through and you have plenty to keep you busy. Remember today is Wednesday and our fresh clams are only $3.75 per dozen " Wacky Wednesday". Fresh mullet and sand worms round off our fresh bait selection and don't forget our large selection of frozen baits for all your fishing needs... John Yac

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