Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Put away your rain gear for the next few days at least, sunshine is back and the beaches will be humming once again. Small to keeper size fluke with assorted size blues are daytime targets while brown sharks and rays fill the night time activity. Crabbing is a bit off since the full moon and snappers are still keeping the bay fisherman busy... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
You can sleep in a little this morning, the weather is suppose to clear this afternoon, so a late afternoon or early evening fishing trip may be in order today. Still the same cast of characters along the surf line. Small blues and a occasional keeper fluke by day with brown sharks and rays at night. Snapper blues of all sizes are in the bay and still no blow fish to speak of. Crabbing has slowed down but is expected to bounce back after the shed.... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Thunder showers forecasted for today and tomorrow will definitely thin out the summer bathers and fair weather fisherman. Pay close attention to any lighting in the area while fishing the beach these next two days. August's phantom albacore have been sighted along our beaches, but being at the right place at the right is like winning the lotto for most of us. Fluke and small blues remain the summertime targets. Crabbing has slowed down some what due to the shed caused by the full moon phase... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
We are still in that summer holding pattern as far as the surf fishing goes, but with the cooler evenings and the northerly winds to stir up the surf a bit thing will slowly start to change. Small striped bass will start moving in and out when the surf is up, this is the first sign that the summer doldrums are coming to a close. Shark fishing at night is about the only way to put a decent bend in your rod this time of year. Crabbing is still good but with the full moon approaching we are expecting a slow down in the catches due to the crabs shedding around this moon phase. But regardless of the changing conditions, what ever they may be, you still can't beat a day at the shore fishing or crabbing... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
If we can only bottle this weather for use later on in the season, I guess that's a little to much to ask. So while it's here why not take full advantage and grab your gear and head to the beach. Small blues and small to keeper size fluke are still putting bends in anglers rods. The shark fishing at night goes on with a occasional ray mixed in, it's heavy tackle fishing with large hooks and heavy wire leaders. Cut bunker is the bait of choice. Crabbing still is the number one objective in the bay right now but snapper blues seem to be everywhere and I heard reports of some larger blues taken on metal John Yac