Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
You have to try hard to come up with a excuse why not to go fishing or crabbing today. The weather forecast for today and right through the weekend is looking spectacular. Small to medium sized blues with short to keeper size fluke are being taken now and again in the surf. Crabbing is holding it's own both from our rental boats and off our dock. Snapper blues are keeping both children and adults busy off the dock... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Crabbing is somewhat down this week from that feverish pace of the last couple of weeks. Both rental boats and dock crabbers are still getting their fair share but not the numbers that we have been seeing. Fluking in the bay is still a matter of weeding through all those shorts to come up with a keeper, while blow fish catches are increasing daily south of the BB and BI buoys. Surf fishing remains the same, small to keeper size fluke and small to medium size blues are finding their way in and out of the surf line. Shark fishing at night is a slow pick... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Two baits you must have with you when you set out for the surf today. Mullet for those small to med size blues that will show up now and again and Gulp a superior artificial bait that can be fished many ways for those great tasting fluke you will find in the surf line. Island Beach State Park is still the place to be right now for surf fishing due to their 2 fluke at 16" program. Just don't forget to check them in at the weigh station located about 1 mile south of the main gate. Crabbing is still hot in the bay and now it seems the crabs are spreading out and being caught in many different areas. Small blues and keeper fluke are becoming harder and harder to find in the bay while snapper blues are plentiful. The word on blow fish is, small catches are being reported in the areas of the BB and BI buoys from boats giving it a good try.... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Nice day to resume your favorite pastime of fishing or crabbing that is. The weather for today and tomorrow will be favorable so why not give it a shot. The summer months are slipping by rapidly and the days of walking the beach with rod in hand and wearing only shorts and tee shirt or relaxing on the dock while crabbing will be in short numbers before we know it. So don't waste a single day talking about going fishing or crabbing, just do it.... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Not much to report on today due to yesterdays wash out. Today will be better to give the fishing or crabbing in our area a shot. As far as fish goes, small blues and keeper fluke are still in the surf from Sandy Hook to the north and Long Beach Island to the south. It's just as always, you have to be in the right place at the right time with the right presentation of natural or artificial baits to score. As for bait we carry a large selection of fresh and frozen. Fresh bunker, live killies, sand worms, with live and salted clams round out the fresh side. Squid in every shape and form, local spearing, and Florida mullet are all available in frozen packages.... John Yac