The Latest and Most Relevant Fishing Updates You Should Know

Fishing Report

Last day of this crazy weather, so they say. The next few days looks really good and with the cooler water temps keeper bass are still being taken here and there on bunker and clams. Crabbing in the bay from the boats that is, is in high gear, with some really nice catches coming in daily. Snapper blues are still keeping the kids busy on the dock with some baby black drum mixed in... John Yac

Fishing Report

We heard of a couple of keeper bass caught yesterday from the surf, that's pretty good for this time of year. Crazy weather patterns don't keep the dedicated surf fisherman at home, so watch the weather and pick your times to fish. Fluke fishing from the surf is a matter of weeding through a lot of shorts to come up with a keeper now and then. All the more reason to be fishing in IBSP where you can take 2 fish at 16" as long as you check them in before you leave. Small to medium size blues and keeper fluke are still being taken in the bay from the boats. Crabbing is doing very well now with some nice catches coming in daily...John Yac  

Fishing Report

Weather for the next 3 days calls for thunder showers on and off, so make sure that your rain gear is close by. Remember to take cover in times of lightning no fish is worth your life. On the bright side, weekend crowds are gone and getting to your favorite spots on the beach becomes much easier. Fluke remains the number one target and fishing Island Beach State Park with it's 2 fluke at 16" will increase you chances for success. Remember you have to have these fish check in before leaving the park... John Yac

Fishing Report

As we all know surf fishing this time of year is a hit or miss situation when it comes to blue fish and striped bass. The fluke fishing on the other hand remains a little more predictable depending on how much effort you want to put in. You can't just go to the beach pick any spot, cast your bait in the ocean (artificial or natural) and expect to hook up with a nice keeper fluke. Not that this could never happen but its far from the norm. Look for cuts, holes and drop offs along the surf line to present your baits these are all spots where fluke like to hold and ambush their next meal. Crabbing in the bay remains very good especially along the west side around the mouth of Thom's River and good luck point. The dock is producing some small snappers to keep the kids busy while mom and dad crab... John Yac PLEASE NOTE: We start launching our crabbing and fishing boats at 7:30 AM daily and wrap up the operation at 5:30 PM. So please pay attention to these times when planning your next trip. Thanks!

Fishing Report

We have to lead off with a crabbing report today. It seems to have broken wide open for our boat crabbers yesterday along the west side of the bay. Catches of a 1/2 bushel or more were coming in on our 4 hour boat rentals. The crabs were all nice size keepers with some 6 to 7 inch beauties mixed in. The dock was doing ok but no wares near the boat catches. Fluke remain the main target along the beaches. Brown sharks are showing more and more each night and in that mix I heard of nice keeper bass being taken on clams... John Yac

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