Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
The change in time of the year for the Governors Cup fishing tournament turned out to be a wise one. The turn out was great, the weather was perfect, and there were fish weighed in all good things for the life of a fishing tournament. No official results as yet but that will come soon. Fishing along out front remains great, blues and striped bass are cooperating with a few black drum mixed in. Our Dock Café will be open this Tuesday morning at 7AM and will open 7 DAYS a week for the rest of the year. Thanks for your support over this passed weekend!... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Great Day for the Governors Cup at IBSP. Blue fish, bass and black drum have been making there way to the scales daily. Pods of bait are just off our beaches and where there is bait there should be fish. Fresh bunker and clams are taking the lions share of the fish, while poppers and metals are still holding their own. The crabbing off our dock has not quite started yet but we expect any day for the action to kick in. Our boats will be going in this week and we will be up to full speed buy the holiday weekend... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Great weather and great fishing what more can you ask for! The big blues moved back in yesterday and the for those on the beach like Tony Cursley one of our shop regulars weighed in the smallest blue he had and that was 12 lbs 7 ozs, all his fish were taken on cut bunker. Keeper bass are still being taken mostly on clams but not in the same numbers as the blues. The shop will be open at 5 AM Sunday May 18th... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Bass and Bluefish are still being taken in our area, the hot spots lately seem to be Ortley to Seaside Park beaches. IBSP is still giving up fish but the heaver bite seems to be just to the north. Fresh cut bunker and clams are still the way to go but poppers, swimmers and metal are good choices for the angler who will not fish bait... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
WAHOOOOO!! Cars are finally driving by the front of our shop! I almost can't believe my eyes. The fishing has turned spotty the last few days but the blues and bass are still being taken along our beaches. Clams have been taking the big girls lately but don't overlook that nice fresh chunk of bunker fished during the night if your looking for a wall hanger. We have fresh bunker, fresh clams, blood worms and a full line of frozen baits. Don't forget the Governor's Cup this Sunday at Island Beach Park. I'm sure the change of season for the tournament will produce some nice catches. It's a great time to stop in and buy that lucky rod and 15% OFF dosen't hurt either.... John Yac