The Latest and Most Relevant Fishing Updates You Should Know

Fishing Report

The temperature is slowly creeping in the right direction and there have been some short bass along with a few keepers mixed in caught in the RT 37 bridge area. The fish are taking small jigs and swimmers. As for bait fishing blood worms is always a great choice this time of year. The shop and Café hours remain the same for now and will probably in crease as we get into April, but for now 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM Thursday thru Sunday is the schedule. TACKLE SHOP HELP WANTED 20 TO 30 HOURS A WEEK! Please contact Tom Cortese for further information. (732) 830-8171......John Yac

Dock Cafe

Don't forget the Dock Café is open Thurs-Sun 7AM-2PM all winter long... Stop down for some breakfast or lunch and check out the best view on Barnegat Bay! Just follow the signs to the south end of Bay Blvd for access to our location...

Saltwater Registry

Just a reminder, you'll need to renew your NJ saltwater recreational registration for 2014. The Registry is Free... Here is the link:

Happy New Year

We at The Dock Outfitters would like to wish all of our friends and customers a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!

We are open!!!

The shop is now open... Thursday-Sun. Road construction has made for some changes getting here...Come over the bridge and follow the signs to Seaside Heights. Go south on Bay Blvd to Porter Ave and follow the signs to the Dock Outfitters....John

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