Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Great weather continues after some AM showers. Remember tomorrow is the Governor's Cup Tournament at IBSP, our shop will be open tonight till 11 PM and will open Sunday morning at 3:00 AM. We are stocked up with pleanty of fresh and frozen baits along with some great looking live sand worms just to add to your bait presentations. Pleanty of artificials in stock from Mombo Minnows to Tattoo's along with a nice selection of metals and bucktail jigs. Short to keeper size bass along with small blues are the main targets at present. You can add some Kingfish to round things out. Good Luck! John Yac
SPECIAL REPORT we will be getting LIVE EELS in around mid day today!! and will be carrying them for the rest of the season. John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Looks like some outstanding weather forcasted for the next few days, fishing may not be on fire yet but just being on the the beach with no crowds and all the room you want to fish sure is nice. Small blues and bass are still chasing bait and artificials. A customer came in the shop and said he was fishing the beach with worms and landed two nice kingfish. Remember the shop hours will be extended this weekend for the Governor's Cup surf tournament. Sat - 5:00 AM to 11 PM Sun - 3:00 AM - 9:00 PM. John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Some real good looking water today very fishable! Still small blues with small to keeper sized bass mixed in, bait or artificials both seem to be working when the fish are present. This Sunday Oct. 6th at IBSP is the Governers Cup surf fishing tournament. Our shop will be open at 3AM Sunday morning for all your fishing needs so stop in, choose from a large selection of fresh and frozen baits along with all types of surf rigs and lures. John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
The beat goes on with only one exception! Change in wind direction. After a week plus of easterly winds driving in those anoying "Salps" along our beaches we finealy get a break, and after a couple of tides the Salps should be gone, hopefully for good. The fishing remains the same with very little change to report, small blues and bass with the occasional keeper now and then. The blues are taking cut baits and metals, while the bass are taking clams and small swimmers fished with teasers. Don't forget our rod and plug sale now in progress. John Yac
By The Dock Outfitters |
Blues are still moving in and out on the surf with a few bass mixed in. We have fresh clams, bunker, mullet and sandworms as well as an assortment of frozen bait for your fishing needs.
Crabbing actually picked up a little on the dock and one of our rental boats came back with over 40 yesterday.There are also plenty of snappers being caught on spearing and small metals. A few kingfish and spike weakfish were also caught from the dock.