The Latest and Most Relevant Fishing Updates You Should Know

Some nice fluke on bucktail and teaser tipped with gulp in the surf is the way to go. Cocktail blues and blackfish were taken from the jetty. We have fresh bunker and clams as well as an assortment of frozen baits for your fishing needs. Crabbing from the dock was a little slow but our rental boats have been coming in with some nice catches. Snapper blues, spot, croakers and and a few kingfish are keeping anglers busy in the bay. Mario

Fishing Report

And the beat goes on and on! Fluke fishing in the surf looks like it keeps getting better and better. It's ashame we only have a few days left but we shouldn't complain for the extended season is playing right into the bigger fish on the beach. A mixed bag of blues of different sizes are still in and out chasing peanut bunker but the focus seems to be on the good fluke fishing at present. Having a rod set up with a popper or small metal won't hurt while your fluking. Once again no real change in crabbing still pleanty of shorts and few keepers.  John Yac

Fishing Report

If you don't think the fall and fall run is just around corner just step out on the beach, the chill in the air and the ocean temps starting to drop all signal the surfcaster's favoriate time of the year. The ocean daytime bite remains the same, fluke and a mix of sizes on blue fish when present. Bucktail jigs with gulp for the fluke and popping plugs and metal for the blues is still the way to go. The night time shark bite is just about over but still some wispering about short bass showing up at first light on small swimming plugs fished with a teaser. Crabbing remains slow, a lot of shorts but few keepers. Bottom fishing in the bay is good both from shore and boat. The same hot spots continue BB and BI buoy areas both west and south of those locations are really producing blow fish, king fish, small blues and some nice fluke. John Yac

Fishing Report

Falling tide for the day time fisherman and a nice flat clean ocean provides great conditions to try for those tasty flatties. Only a couple of weeks left to enjoy a great dinner treat so lets not waste perfect conditions. Some excitement yesterday on the dock when a dock regular landed a cow nose ray weighing 40 plus lbs. The ray has been around the dock for weeks breaking off rigs and stealing a few rods in the process. After a 40 min battle on 10 lb test line the fish was brought to net. The ray was cleaned of all the tackle hanging from it's mouth and returned to the water unharmed.   John Yac

Fishing Report

Westerly winds will clean up the surf today and make spotting those here now and gone blue fish. Popping plugs and metals are doing the trick when they are around. The fluke fishing seems to be steady with nice size fish taking the bucktail gulp combo. There is a first light small bass bite starting to develop, the fish are taking swimming plugs, deadly dicks and small ava's. John Yac

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