The Latest and Most Relevant Fishing Updates You Should Know

Fishing Report

Crabbing in the bay has been red hot both from our boats and our dock. Snapper blues, spot and blow fish are also present. The ocean action during the day seems to have moved to the inlets the past few days with good catches of fluke being reported being caught on buck tail gulp or buck tail squid combos. Sharks and rays roam the beachfronts at night and produce some nice sporting action. Cut bunker and clams will produce.  John Yac

Fishing Report

Sorry for the late report today! The crabbing and bottom fishing in the bay remains good, plenty of nice size blue claws coming in on our boats and from our dock. Fishing for blow fish, fluke and small blues in the BB, BI buoy areas and closer to the inlet goes on. The ocean is seeing kingfish and fluke by day to those putting a little effort in that direction. We are hearing of some small blues moving in and out of Barnegat Inlet and along the southern end of IBSP. Night fishing will produce some brown sharks, large rays and that occasional keeper bass.  John Yac

Fishing Report

Jersey Shore blue claw crabbing is in high gear both from our dock and rental boats. Bottom fishing from both locations for king fish, spot, and snapper blues increase by the day. The ocean is in great shape and is producing fluke, king fish and croakers. Night owls are chasing sharks, large rays and a occasional stripped bass.   John Yac

Fishing Report

The crabbing in the bay is at full speed now both from the dock and our boats. The crabs are both increasing in size and numbers. The fishing in the bay by boat and from shore is keeping anglers busy with those taste blow fish and fluke. The blow fish can be caught from shore or boat while the fluke are a boating catch. Mixed in are snappers, spot, and king fish. The ocean front remains the same. fluke, king fish, and croakers by day,  with .sharks and the occasional striped bass by night.  John Yac

Fishing Report

The bay is stealing the thunder right now with the crabbing from the dock and the blow fishing from the boats. Some nice keeper fluke are being caught along with a good share of those " just short" fluke behind Island Beach State Park.   John Yac

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