Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!! Our crabbing pier is finely 100% open for your crabbing and fishing pleasure. Remember its a township pier and NO beach badge or fee required! Fishing on the ocean front beaches remains the same. Short to keeper size bass and fluke are taking cut baits and artificial lures when present. Low tide seems to producing more keeper size fluke then any other tide stage. The lure of choice for fluke seems to be the buck tail gulp combo fished alone or with a small teaser above the jig. Crabbing in the bay is decent with the boats out catching the shore bound crabbers. Blow fish and some king fish still roam the BB and BI buoy areas in the bay along with short to keeper size fluke....John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Today marks the getaway day for the long 4th of July weekend! Our beaches, bays and docks are ready and waiting for angler to try their luck on the catch at hand. Short to keeper size bass have been taking ava's and deadly dicks on some of our northern beaches. Possibly a sign that sand eels may be starting to make their appearance. We had a nice fat 21" fluke brought into the shop yesterday, the fish was taken in Island Beach State Park on a buck tail jig tipped with gulp. Crabbing is still increasing by the day in the bay. Our dock is 99% finished and crabbers have been using it while the construction crew puts on the finishing touches. As usual the boats are out producing the shore bound crabbers due to their option to move around the bay. We have FRESH bunker and FRESH clams along with our large selection of frozen baits for your fishing pleasure...John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Slow pick on our ocean beaches continues! Bass, blues, fluke, and king fish are the targets when they are present. Cut bait remains the way to go. Bunker, clams, and squid are the top three baits. For those who just can't seem to fish bait, the choice is metal and small swimmers (bomber and SP minnow class) with a teaser up front will do the trick when the fish are present. Bay fishing and crabbing also staying the same, blow fish, king fish and fluke in the BB and BI buoy areas. Crabs are being caught from the usual spots by boat, docks and bulk heads are starting to pick up....John Yac
By The Dock Outfitters |
Same story as yesterday a little slow on the surf. Bring your rain gear for today as you should not have a hard time finding spots to fish.
We are still seeing some nice sized crabs coming in from our rental boats and from the dock.
By The Dock Outfitters |
Pretty much the same story on the surf with the South wind. Bass and blues are there but you have to work for them.
Crabbing in the back has been good with our boats coming in with a decent catch and also the dock is producing a nice amount of keepers for the table.