Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
The surf outlook remains the same! Blue fish in the 2lb-5lb class along with short to keeper size bass moving in and out. Fluke in the surf is a matter of finding what cut or drop off they are holding in and a well placed bait will often do the trick. I'm hearing king fish are starting to take up residence's along our ocean fronts. The bay is pretty consistent with its catches of blow fish and nice size kings. The BB and BI buoys still remain the hot spots. Crabbing is steady with more and more keepers showing up in the traps....John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
More of the same! We seem to be stuck in this holding pattern on our beaches, slow pick of bass and blues on cut baits, with some keeper fluke mixed in with the shorts in the wash. King fish are starting to show in the surf and they will take a variety small cut baits as long as you use a small hi-lo style king fish rigs. The bay report also remains the same, with the addition of some small snapper blues starting to show up now and again off the docks and bulk heads...John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
We seem to be in a holding pattern this week with nothing new to report that's not been going on the last few days. Chance of showers today with decreasing heat may make things a little more bearable on the beach, move out some of the flies and possibly wake up some of the fish. The fishery that seems to be on the rise is keeper fluke in the surf. There are many ways to go after these flatties. Live killies, spearing and squid combos both can be fished on bare shiner hooks or buck tail jigs. You can also substitute gulp swimming minnows instead of bait on your jig heads. A teaser of your choice up the line will not hurt eighter...John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
I guess this heat is keeping some fisherman home in their air conditioning but the few willing to brave the heat were picking at some keeper bass both on bait and swimming plugs. Their has been some talk that along with the blow fish taking small pieces of clam king fish are starting to show up in the mix also. The crabbing and fishing in the bay has been a steady pick with the usual blow fish, small blues and keeper fluke being the main targets. The BB and BI buoys along with the western shoreline seems to be where most of the action is. Don't forget today's WACKY WEDNESDAY where our fresh clams are only $3.75 a dozen! and we are still carrying live eels and sand worms...John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Fluke seems to be taking the center stage as of lately. Bass and blue fish from the beach are taking a back seat to those fine eating fish. You can catch these flatties several different ways. You can fish stationary on the bottom with a variety of cut baits or drag bottom slowly with squid strips or gulp on buck tail jigs, a plain 3-way swivel rig will also work fine. What ever method you chose fluke are ambush feeders so try to place your baits in a drop off or a cut where there is moving water for a greater chance of success. Crabbing in the bay is improving daily and with a little effort you can put together a nice meal.....John Yac