By The Dock Outfitters |
Well its the typical summer time fishing report. There's plenty of fluke and kingfish being caught from the surf. I've seen a few keepers make it to the scale the last few days. Gulp seems to be the bait of choice. Sting rays and brown sharks continue to be breaking off tackle as well. Those sharks cant resist a fresh bunker chunk. On the bay side the bottom is littered with an assortment of species. Snappers, blowfish, kingfish, spot, and black drum and some small sea bass as well and taking bits of clams or spearing for the snappers. Crabbing remains fair so if you put your time in you'll go home with some keepers. Scott
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Surf fishing remains entertaining with quite a selection of fin table fare. More and more keeper fluke are being caught along with some nice king fish. Small blues are still in the mix to round off a great fish fry. Cut bait along with the standard array of artificial lures are doing the trick. If you had to chose only two lures they would be in my opinion a Hopkins Shorty and a white buck tail tipped with white Gulp! As far as the dock goes crabbing is steady and the bottom fish are biting. John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
I guess you can say the summer doldrums are upon us as far as the surf fishing goes. I'm not saying there's no fish in the surf but we find our self in a lazy fishing rut this time every year.Things to think about and plan for. Albie's are around the corner, the mullet run will be next and lets not forget the fabulous fall bass run we experienced last year! So start getting your tackle ready and don't forget were here to help you with all your tackle needs. John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Once again it's Monday and the weekend warriors are gone, you can fish without a "buggy board" crossing your lines, life is good! Small blue fish, king fish and fluke are the order of the day with fresh cut bait or artificial lures doing the trick. The crabbing in the bay remains steady with most people taking home a nice meal of New Jersey blue crab. The last few days some short striped bass have been taken from our dock by people fishing for small bottom fish and snapper blues. John Yac
Dock Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Last evening as the weather cooled the crabbing and fishing heated up.. Nice catches of crabs and snapper blues, black drum, blowfish, spot and a couple of kingfish kept our customers very busy well into the darkness... Beach fishermen are seeing a lot more weakfish this season than in the past few seasons and kingfish are also being caught on small hooks from the sand...John