Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
The holiday weekend continues with some great weather forecasted for the remainder of the weekend. KILLKIES are IN, they are a great natural bait you can use along the surf to tempt those good eating fluke, fished along with a strip of squid and now you have a deadly combination. Largest crab of the season so far off our dock 6 1/2", way to go Joey (our boat guy). Still no blow fish or spot but we expect them any day along with some bigger snappers... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Happy 4th of July! I think we will be very lucky as far as this storm is concerned, after some unsettled weather today the weekend looks to be outstanding. We finely got LIVE KILLIES in yesterday so now you have one more tool in your bag to catch those tasty fluke. Fishing remains the same along the surf line and outback in the bay. Fluke out front and some nice crabs out back.... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
We should have one more nice day to be on the beach at least the first half anyway before the weather arrives late in the afternoon and into Thursday. Latest report shows it's not going to be as bad as we thought with the storm taking a turn offshore as it passes the Carolina's, so they say. Fishing remains a mixed bag along the surf, fluke, blue fish and yes the occasional keeper bass are still keeping things interesting for this time of year. Crabbing improves daily while some snapper blues are starting to show... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Not a whole lot has change since yesterday, we seem to be in a summer holding pattern as far as the surf fishing goes in our area. Fluke, small blues and the ever decreasing striped bass fill out the surf report. The back bay is giving up some nice crab catches to those willing to put in some time. Small blues and small fluke still roam the BB and BI buoy areas while small catches of blow fish are also being reported... John Yac
Fishing Report
By The Dock Outfitters |
Judging by the amount of people that stopped by the dock yesterday to take advantage of this great weather and the ever improving crabbing only goes to show that summer is here! Fluke still dominate the catch along our surf while some blues and even a keeper bass are being taken here and there. The night time shark bite is starting up in the park. Small blues, fluke and now some blow fish are being taken in the bay in all the usual spots... John Yac