Fishing Report

Nice day to resume your favorite pastime of fishing or crabbing that is. The weather for today and tomorrow will be favorable so why not give it a shot. The summer months are slipping by rapidly and the days of walking the beach with rod in hand and wearing only shorts and tee shirt or relaxing on the dock while…

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Fishing Report

Not much to report on today due to yesterdays wash out. Today will be better to give the fishing or crabbing in our area a shot. As far as fish goes, small blues and keeper fluke are still in the surf from Sandy Hook to the north and Long Beach Island to the south. It’s just as…

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Fishing Report

The fluke and small blues in the surf right now are not going to be the only ones wet today. The forecast for today and tomorrow will require rain gear on your part if you want to pursue your passion. The bright side of this type of weather is, no sun bathers or swimmers in…

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Fishing Report

Not a bad day after all. Incoming water on the ocean with high tide just before noon. Fluke and blues are still showing up in the surf and the crabbing in the bay along the west shore remains excellent. The dock is not a bad bet but you have to weed through the shorts, but…

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