Posts by Fishing Report
Fishing Report (Late Sunday Morning)
The bass bite continues along our beaches with more and more bait showing up daily. Just got a call from Tony Maja’s field rep. Walt D. who was out trolling Tony Maja #4 bunker spoons this morning off Seaside Park, he landed and released 4 nice bass in the upper 40″ class. So these fish…
Read MoreFishing Report (Happy Veteran's Day!)
Happy Veteran’s Day to all who served in this great country’s military forces. Don’t forget to shake the hand of our vets today and thank them for their service. For not for them and all those who are serving today we wouldn’t be enjoying the freedom’s this great country of ours has to offer! Fishing…
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The surf conditions improve with each tide and today’s NW winds should only improve conditions even more. The bite remains the same, short to keeper size bass are being taken from Lavallette to IBSP. Cut baits remain the number one producer of these fish with swimmers, poppers and rubber shads also hooking up… John Yac…
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The bass bite remains the same along the surf. You can add rubber shads to your list of artificials in your bag, for these great little swimmers are taking short to keeper size bass right now. The boat guys are running up and down the coast with their spoons and mojos in tow in search of the big girls.…
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When they say 10% of the fisherman catch 90% of the fish they couldn’t more correct! While the lions share of surfcasters sit at home reading the reports and waiting for the phone to ring, the dedicated few are out there pounding the beach and catching themselves some nice keeper bass in the 28″ to…
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With much cooler weather in the forecast and the full moon in our rear view mirror, will the bass bite heat up? That is the question we are all asking. Keeper bass in the 28″ to 34″ range, taking cut bunker and clams seem to be what’s happening right now. The plug guys are also…
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The fall bass run is underway!! Both surf and boat anglers alike are scoring on some nice linesiders. As usual it’s a mater of where the schools of large bunker are. Yes peanut bunker, spearing and mullet all draw fall run fish, but nothing like schools of adult bunker. When the bunker are way out…
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The early morning bait guys seem to have gotten the lions share of the keeper bass yesterday. Once again cut bunker was out fishing clams. The fish were in the 30″ class range and most were taken in IBSP. Swimmers and small poppers fished with teasers were taking schoolie bass both early and late. Remember we…
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As the weather and surf conditions improve, so does the bass bite! No blitz yet, but things are going in the right direction. More and more short to keeper size bass are being taken on lures and bait alike. These fish are coming both on the day and night time tides. The two baits of choice are…
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Nice stretch of weather, today thru Sunday! The surf conditions improve with each tide and the winds are also cooperating. No real bite to report in our area, but rumblings from up north sound promising… John Yac
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