Posts by Fishing Report
Fishing Report It’s nice to see more fluke taken in the surf yesterday. Short to keeper size fluke were hot on the trail of gulp combos, bucktail/gulp or Hi-Lo rigged, both were getting attention from those tasty flatties. Cocktail blues remain plentiful and kingfish remain available. Crabbing remains good and snapper blues are starting to show…
Read MoreFishing Report The weather remains hot and so does the crabbing! This is shaping up to be a record year in our area, large catches of 5 plus inch crabs are being taken from our dock and rental boats alike. Check out our FB page for some impressive catches. As far as the surf goes, cocktail…
Read MoreFishing Report Great weather to say the least! The surf is still producing a abundance of cocktail blues and kingfish on all stages of the tide. Fluke fishing in the surf is a matter of keeping on the move, hitting all the good looking spots with either bucktail/gulp or live killie/squid combos. Remember you are allowed…
Read MoreFishing Report This time of the year the fishing reports sound like a broken records. We are well into the summer mode now and the past heat wave didn’t help the surf or boat scene one bit. The only thing is the crabbing in the bay remained hot as the weather. Yesterday’s storm into todays leftovers has broken…
Read MoreFishing Report Kingfish, cocktail blues, fluke and rays are on the daytime tides with sharks lurking in the dark. This is a typical summertime surf report. The bay on the other hand is making all the noise. Large catches of nice size crabs and blowfish are being taken daily from boat and docks alike, with the…
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The beach bite remains the same but crabbing in the bay is on fire! We have live killies and sand worms to add to your fishing pleasures… John Yac
Read MoreFishing Report Yesterday’s cry coming form the bay was “BLOWFISH”!! Nice size catches of good size blowfish were coming in from the back bay boaters. The usual spots were producing. The BB and BI buoys behind IBSP would be my first choice. If you are coming out of the Toms River area, try north of the RT…
Read MoreFishing Report Plenty of activity going on both out front and back in the bay over the past several days. Kingfish, cocktail size blues and fluke are all present at different times in the surf. Summer time visitors include, large cow nose rays, trigger fish and lets not forget our hard fighting night visitors, the…
Read MoreFishing Report If you never caught a Kingfish now is the time to give it a try! Just pick a good looking spot along the surf line, tie on a hi-lo Kingfish rig baited with sand or blood worms and your in business. Adjust your casting distance till you locate the fish and the action…
Read MoreFishing Report Crabbing is improving by the day both off our dock and rental boats alike. The surf is still loaded with cocktail blues chasing just about anything that comes in their range. Rays, kingfish, fluke and a stray cobia now and then are all players in the surf scene. There seems to be plenty…
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